Submissions are invited in the following categories:

- ARTICLE (peer reviewed) - no words limit

- REPORT (not peer reviewed) - no words limit 

- REVIEW (not peer reviewed) - no words limit


Submissions must be sent via email to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., including an abstract and a brief description of the contents.

All written documents should be sent in MS Word or Open Document formats, pictures in JPEG format. Every picture should be named with its text number (1.jpg, 2.jpg, and so on). Pictures' descriptions can be sent within the main text file.

The reference system we use is as follows:

(1) Text

Single author (Ardu 1983: 10)
Two authors (Ardu and Castangia 2010: 10)
Three or more authors (Ardu et al. 2009: 25)
More than one work by same author (Ardu 1983, 2009)
More than one work by same author and same year (Ardu 1983a, 1983b)
More than one work by different authors (Ardu 1983; Castangia 2009)
More than one work by one author and different authors (Ardu 1983, 2009; Castangia 2009)


(2) Bibliography

Book Hayes 1972 Hayes, J. W. (1972) Late Roman Pottery. London: British School at Rome.
Journal paper Lamboglia 1955
Lamboglia, N. (1955) Sulla cronologia delle anfore romane di età repubblicana. Rivista di Studi Liguri, 21, 241-270.
Chapter by another author in a book Castangia 2011 Castangia, G. (2011) Il deposito costiero nuragico di Su Pallosu (San Vero Milis-OR). In: Mastino, A., Spanu, P.G., Usai, A. and Zucca, R. (eds.), Tharros Felix IV. Roma: Carocci, 119-158.
Edited collection Mastino et al. 2011 Mastino, A., Spanu, P.G., Usai, A. and Zucca, R. (eds.)(2011), Tharros Felix IV. Roma: Carocci.
Book in a numbered series Henderson 2003 Henderson, J. (2003) Glass-making in Roman Britain. British Archaeological Reports British series, 101. Oxford: Archaeopress.
Unpublished dissertation Conte 2011 Conte, A. R. (2011) Ricognizioni archeologiche nella penisola del Sinis (OR). Unpusblished dissertation, Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia fenicio-punica, Facoltà di Scienze Umanistiche - Università 'Sapienza', Roma.
Online publication



Castangia, G. (2013) - Capo Mannu Project 2012 - Prima campagna di scavo nel sito di Su Pallosu (San Vero Milis, OR). Traces in Time, 3, available at the address